When and Why You Need to Repair Your Fence

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01483 924580

Why You Need to Repair Your Fence

If you are in the market for fence repair, choosing a professional contractor is an important decision. You want to be sure that they have experience with your type of fence and know how to properly install it. In this post we will give some tips on what to look for when hiring a professional contractor for your home.

A professional contractor should have a pretty good idea of how to fix your fence. If they are unsure, ask them why and if you find their answer satisfactory then go ahead with the estimate. You will also want someone who is licensed in fencing repairs for your town or county, as well as insured so that accidents can be handled without too much hassle

Why Get Your Fence Repaired?

If your fence is damaged in some way, you will want to get it repaired as soon as possible. It's important that this work be done right away because many fences have large openings for livestock or children and a small hole can quickly become much larger if not tended to immediately

What Can Happen?

When the materials of a fence are deteriorating, they may eventually fall down on their own without any help from an outside source. This could happen due to water damage where the wood rots over time and starts giving out.

How Do You Know If Your Fence Is Damaged?

You'll need someone who knows what they're looking at - which means hiring professionals for your home. You should look closely at any posts that are cracked and splintered at all ,which can cause the whole fence to come down. You may also notice an accumulation of dirt and leaves on top of your fence posts, which is a sign that they're rotting away from exposure.

What's The Cost Of Repairing A Fence?

The cost to repair a run-down or fallen-over part of your fence will vary depending on how much damage has been done already. Hiring professionals for your home should be able to give you a more exact quote based on inspection: it might take only one day, but it could also take up to two weeks before all parts are replaced

Can I Do It On My Own If I'm Really Good At This Stuff?

It would still probably be wise to hire experts to make sure  that the job is done right. Even if you're really good at this stuff, it might take up to two weeks before all parts are replaced and your fence will be back in working order

Beyond The Fence: Why You Should Consider Professional Help

If dirt or leaves have been building up on top of your posts for a while now, then they'll need to be removed before any repair work can begin. This step alone could cost anywhere from $100-$300 depending on how far down the post needs to be dug out.

The other thing that makes hiring professionals worth it is because certain types of fences can't simply just be fixed with some wood glue or nails. If there's damage beyond structural concerns like rotting posts or broken boards.

Our team of Guildford fencing pros can help with all fencing repair needs, so be sure to give us a call today.

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